There is a Jinnius

in all of us.

The Islamic Golden Age was really just
a well-functioning support system.

During the Islamic Golden Age, there was a shared effort to fund
the arts and sciences. The Eidverse aims to bring that energy back.


Potential Jinniuses


Potential Jinniuses


Estimated Value

Meet The Jinnius

Jinniuses are the supporters and builders of the Eidverse.
What sets them apart is how they combine their $EID and stand behind worthy outcomes


The right mission, incentives, and collective support is what makes progress happen. The Eidverse is all about unified impact.


Good things happen when Jinniuses unite, from everywhere, in every corner of the world. That is where the beauty of the Eidverse lies.


If you hold $EID, you’re a Jinnius. When you combine your $EID with others, you build the Eidverse. That’s the idea of owning the future, and the rest is details.


When $EID is combined by its holders to express support, it fulfills its purpose, especially for Jinniuses.

How The Eidverse Works

Our mechanics is focused towards providing
transparency, security and ownership.

$EID as a
Token of Unity
$EID as a Token of Unity

Embodies the aspirations
of a global population.

Blockchain & Web3

Ensuring ownership and

Social Mining

The $EID ecosystem,
multiplied by 1,000,000.

Embodies the aspirations
of a global population.

Ensuring ownership and

The $EID ecosystem,
multiplied by 1,000,000.

$EID Tokens Are Coming Soon.

Stay tuned as we share more details, including the public availability of EID.
Follow us on X to stay updated with our progress.

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